29 March 2016 | Animal Health | 12318 views
In an increasingly competitive market we need to use what has been achieved so far as a springboard to enhance the country's reputation for quality produce and proficient husbandry. Delivering ...
18 March 2016 | Animal Health | 12747 views
National Statistics on the incidence and prevalence of TB in cattle in Great Britain...
2 February 2016 | Animal Health | 12263 views
Business Benchmark on Farm Animal Welfare report (BBFAW, published 27 January) show that slaughter without pre-stunning is the only welfare measure showing a decline in the percentage of food companie...
15 January 2016 | Animal Health | 9738 views
Guidelines for the Union co-funded programmes of eradication, control andbsurveillance of animal diseases and zoonoses for the years 2015 - 2017...
18 August 2014 | Animal Health | 6304 views
AHVLA has received largely positive feedback from livestock keepers about their experience of interacting with AHVLA staff and services.Four hundred livestock keepers provided feedback for a sat...
16 July 2014 | Animal Health | 6883 views
AS Communications Summer 2014 Newsletter...
10 April 2014 | Animal Health | 7263 views
Bovine TB - EIRs questions and answers on Bovine TB and the pilot culls....
9 April 2014 | Animal Health | 7609 views
The UK Government has published the first set of reports under the European Union Balance of Competences Review. These reports aim to deepen public understanding of the UK’s relationship with th...
8 April 2014 | Animal Health | 7075 views
Surveillance statistics published by AHVLA give an indication of the geographical spread of the disease and help farmers make informed business decisions. Statistics for Scotland are published on a mo...
7 April 2014 | Animal Health | 8018 views
An information note for cattle industry representatives and cattle keepers on the new TB ‘edge’ area strategy. This note provides more detail on the timing of the introduction of the new T...
7 April 2014 | Animal Health | 6673 views
The National Animal Health and Welfare Framework has been an important planning and prioritisation tool since its introduction following the Foot and Mouth Disease outbreak of 2001. It was created in ...
4 April 2014 | Animal Health | 6165 views
This document sets out our strategy for tackling bovine tuberculosis (TB) - an infectious disease of cattle - in England. The aim of the strategy is to achieve Officially Bovine Tuberculosis Free (OTF...
4 April 2014 | Animal Health | 7232 views
This consultation focuses on the principle of moving from statutory farm animal welfare codes to guidance that is drafted collaboratively but led by the relevant livestock industry. The objective of t...
15 August 2013 | Animal Health | 7174 views
The Food Standards Agency in Scotland (FSAS) has for the first time published a report jointly with Health Protection Scotland (HPS). The report is entitled 'Infectious Intestinal Disease Associat...
5 June 2013 | Animal Health | 7237 views
A new survey amongst the UK and Ireland’s sheep producing community has highlighted the blowfly strike season could be getting longer. This, on top of the high liver fluke challen...
27 May 2013 | Animal Health | 7242 views
Dietary guidelines emphasize selecting lean (low-fat) meats to reduce saturated fat and cholesterol, but growing evidence suggests that health effects may relate to other ingredients, such as sodium, ...
25 April 2013 | Animal Health | 6294 views
This table includes additional serology results provided by laboratories at Liverpool University and Scotland’s Rural College. Although results from Scotland are listed by county, all cases outs...
21 March 2013 | Animal Health | 6586 views
With more people working or recreating in the countryside, there is a need for land-based organisations to manage potential risks. We explore the role of risk communication as a tool for preventing st...
27 February 2013 | Animal Health | 8242 views
AHVLA, in conjunction with Defra, NSA, BVA, CHAWG, NBA, NFU and SHAWG, has producted a document updating farmers on what we know about Schmallenberg....
9 August 2012 | Animal Health | 7463 views
Since its discovery in England in 1992 the parasitic mite, Varroa destructor, has spread to infest colonies of honey bees throughout the UK. Its management has now become a routine part of b...