7 June 2016 | Supermarkets | 11575 views
MEPs have urged the EU Commission to put forward proposals against unfair trading practices in the food supply chain. This is to ensure fair earnings for farmers and a wide choice for consumers, in...
1 February 2016 | Supermarkets | 11213 views
REPORT FROM THE COMMISSION TO THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND THE COUNCIL on unfair business-to-business trading practices in the food supply chain...
26 January 2016 | Supermarkets | 12962 views
Groceries Code Adjudicator Christine Tacon has told Tesco to introduce significant changes to practices and systems after finding Britain’s largest supermarket seriously breached a legally-bindi...
8 April 2014 | Supermarkets | 9737 views
Quick reference guide to the work of the Groceries Code Adjudicator (GCA). It provides answers to questions to help explain our role. It also covers the Statutory Guidance consultation....
8 July 2013 | Supermarkets | 7742 views
Professor Troop presented her key findings to the FSA Board on 4 June, and the final report summarises her recommendations. The recommendations include: the need for improved intelligence ...
3 July 2013 | Supermarkets | 8105 views
This paper explores supermarket buyer power and the ways in which such power affects suppliers and consumers. It finds that the abuse of buyer power is widely and routinely practised against sup...
14 February 2013 | Supermarkets | 6722 views
Letter distributed to Sainsbury suppliers asking for details of any pharmaceuticals used on farm...
2 February 2013 | Supermarkets | 6574 views
NFU Christmas 2012 retail report highlighting the leading supermarkets christmas performances...