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19 October 2016 | Renewable Energy | 10898 views

State of Food and Agriculture 2016 - UN Report

19 October 2016 | Renewable Energy | 10898 views

State of Food and Agriculture 2016 - UN Report

Farmers urgently need help to change methods of growing food if the world is to curb greenhouse gas emissions, the UN has said. A report by the Food and Agriculture Organization said agriculture ac...

13 October 2016 | Renewable Energy | 9382 views

Meeting Carbon Budgets – Implications of Brexit for UK climate policy

Meeting Carbon Budgets – Implications of Brexit for UK climate policy...

3 October 2016 | Renewable Energy | 11522 views

Efficient Farming Cuts Greenhouse Gases Implementation Plan 2016 - 2020

The GHGIP has published its updated 'Efficient Farming Cuts Greenhouse Gases Implementation Plan 2016 - 2020'. The plan is focused on encouraging the implementation of a series ...

26 September 2016 | Renewable Energy | 11372 views

Could current agricultural practice be tailored to combat climate change?

Manmade emissions of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide and methane have resulted in considerable increases in global atmospheric concentrations of carbon, which have modified natural carbon cycl...

23 September 2016 | Renewable Energy | 9412 views

A European approach to facing the challenges of climate change in ruminant agriculture

Dr Ruth Wonfor: IBERS, Aberystwyth University Researchers at the Institute of Biological, Environmental and Rural Sciences (IBERS), Aberystwyth University have recently led a European collaborative...

4 May 2016 | Renewable Energy | 10930 views

Energy Entrepreneurs Report 2016

Overview of Independent Energy Generation across Great Britain...

30 April 2016 | Renewable Energy | 12233 views

Effects of Solar Farms on Local Biodiversity

Solar farms can significantly boost local biodiversity, delivering benefits to wildlife and potentially even boosting pollination of surrounding crops, according to a new solar industry-backed survey....

9 April 2016 | Renewable Energy | 7909 views

Northern Ireland's 'Farm Business Data 2016'

Northern Ireland's Department of Agriculture and Rural Development (DARD) have announced publication of the ‘Farm Business Data 2016’ farm planning handbook.‘ Farm Business Da...

7 April 2016 | Renewable Energy | 10349 views

The Greenhouse Gas Action Plan

The Greenhouse Gas Action Plan was launched by a coalition of industry partners in 2011 as the principal mechanism for delivering the farming industry’s commitment to a reduction in annual emiss...

24 August 2015 | Renewable Energy | 8276 views

Australian Beef: On the cusp of great things

The future of the Australian beef industry is looking bright. Key fundamentals for a strong Australian beef industry –consisting of strong international demand, constrained global supply, a depr...

3 June 2015 | Renewable Energy | 6681 views

Monthly Farming Update June 2015

Policy issues 1 Proposals for mandatory country of origin labelling for dairy products have been rejected by the European Commission claiming that voluntary labelling would be more suitable as it woul...

13 November 2014 | Renewable Energy | 7014 views

RenewableUK Small and Medium Wind Strategy

The current and future potential of the sub-500kW wind industry in the UK...

28 October 2014 | Renewable Energy | 7261 views

SEPRA Market Report - 24th October 2014

The market, for some time now everyone has been saying that demand is quiet, but there is no surplus of eggs. Holland showed a slight increase in price last week, but now Central Egg have broken ra...

20 October 2014 | Renewable Energy | 7275 views

SEPRA Market Report - 17th October 2014

Demand is quiet according to most sources, but at the same time there appears to be no surpluses. There has been some cheaper French eggs coming into the country mostly in Southern England but some ha...

12 September 2014 | Renewable Energy | 7687 views

SEPRA Market Report - 12th September 2014

The market is a lot quieter this week, with less demand, it is amazing what a week of summerish weather makes, with that cold weather that we had demand was brisk with consumers reverting back to wint...

5 September 2014 | Renewable Energy | 7830 views

Feed-in Tariff Scheme Tariff Table 1 October 2014 Non-PV Only

This document sets out the tariff rates for the Feed-in Tariff scheme from 1 October 2014 to 31 December 2014, for photovoltaic installations only....

4 September 2014 | Renewable Energy | 8520 views

Feed-in Tariff Scheme - Tariff Table 1 October 2014 PV Only

Feed-in Tariff Scheme: Tariff Table 1 October 2014 PV Only...

3 September 2014 | Renewable Energy | 11638 views

Silverford Renewables case study

Barry wanted to distribute the Endurance 50kW wind turbine to fill out his existing product line between his 11kW and 225kW wind turbine....

3 September 2014 | Renewable Energy | 7401 views

The Offshore Wind Installation Market

The high growth rates in offshore wind energy have led to an influx of new installation ships and new concepts being considered as turbine and park designs get bigger. According to a recent Rabobank r...

9 April 2014 | Renewable Energy | 7291 views

Farm energy use in England 2011 2012

This publication shows the final estimates of farm energy use from the 2011/12 Farm Business Survey in England....