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1 August 2016 | Meat Processing | 10454 views

Analysis of Cattle Prices and Specifications report

1 August 2016 | Meat Processing | 10454 views

Analysis of Cattle Prices and Specifications report

The prices paid for prime cattle don’t consistently reflect the yield of trimmed primal cuts from the carcase, according to a new AHDB Beef & Lamb report....

1 June 2016 | Meat Processing | 10849 views

AHDB Beef & Lamb's Analysis of Cattle Prices and Specifications report

Published today, the new report provides analysis of the distribution of cattle in the AHDB deadweight price reporting sample by conformation, fat class and weight band. It is the first stage of a ser...

5 September 2014 | Meat Processing | 9435 views

Elliott Review into Food Supply Networks

This independent final report sets out Professor Elliott’s recommendations to government. It addresses the current weaknesses of our food supply networks and suggests measures that can be taken ...

30 January 2014 | Meat Processing | 6555 views

Quality Meat Scotland: Market Report - January 2014

Deadweight prime cattle prices have been on a downwards trend since late November. Since reaching 418p/kg dwt in the week ended November 23rd, steers have fallen for 8 consecutive weeks, and during th...

23 December 2013 | Meat Processing | 6553 views

Quality Meat Scotland: Market Report - December 2013

The latest market report from QMS Economics Services can be accessed through the link below...

28 November 2013 | Meat Processing | 6295 views

Quality Meat Scotland: Market Report - November 2013

To read the latest monthly market report from QMS Economics Services please click on the link below:...