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29 September 2016 | Grassland | 12587 views

The benefits of hedgerows and trees for agriculture

29 September 2016 | Grassland | 12587 views

The benefits of hedgerows and trees for agriculture

Woodland patches and hedgerows are essential components of the agri-ecosystem. The resource of trees and hedgerows on farms has declined in the UK in the twentieth century, due primarily to agricul...

2 February 2011 | Grassland | 9228 views

Illustrated guide to lowland chalk and limestone grassland

Lowland chalk grassland supports a wide range of plants and animals. The way to maximise this grassland for plants and animals is to get the sward structure right at key times of the year....

2 February 2011 | Grassland | 9884 views

Illustrated guide to trees, woodlands and scrub

Woodlands and habitats that contain a variety of trees, shrubs and grassland generally support a great abundance of wildlife, including rare and declining species....

2 February 2011 | Grassland | 10741 views

Illustrated guide to purple moorgrass and rush pasture

Purple moorgrass and rush pasture is found on poorly drained, usually acid soils receiving high rainfall. It includes species rich fen meadows and pastures....

2 February 2011 | Grassland | 11342 views

Illustrated guide to upland limestone grassland

Upland limestone grassland supports some of the rarest plants in England. On some sites, there are species that are commonly found in the Alps. Species vary widely depending on where in the country th...

2 February 2011 | Grassland | 10529 views

Illustrated guide to water courses beside grassland

Rivers, streams and ditches supply much of the water we consume. Those with high water quality are also valuable wildlife habitats...