7 September 2015 | Poultry | 6324 views

SEPRA Market Report 4th September 2015

The market is steady and showing signs that it might firm up, there is optimism on the Continent that prices and demand will firm up and stay good until at least Christmas.
In the UK market Ex Large and Large tight in supply odd parcels of Medium on offer though, these should clear with the main holiday makers in England returned with the schools being back.
The small world, the article from Brazil is interesting in that it shows their use of meat and bone meal in poultry diets, in this day and age should the EU be looking at allowing meat and bone meal again as with the improvement in rendering the risk factor has been reduced and by reintroduction this valuable by product would reduce production costs and save on imports of expensive soya.
From a green point of view we are surprised that Germany in particular has not been looking at the inclusion of this valuable product rather than it being included as expensive waste.