30 October 2015 | Poultry | 6531 views

SEPRA Market Report 30th October 2015

The market is on the move with it looks like a lot more to come especially in Free Range which are very scarce and in particular Small which are just not there and non -existent Small can’t move up to Medium.
Continental prices are also moving up especially with alternative system eggs, with increased demand and many enquiries from the UK for the same.
The French want an increase in price and a better deal from their supermarkets (don’t we all) we will certainly be most interested and how they get on, especially the tactics, will there be trailer loads of muck, or hens running up and down supermarket floors, these tactics seem to help our milk producers a bit.
Egg quality after Barry Thorp’s comments on the problems in the North of Scotland (last week) we thought it might shorten the winter slightly with the article on how to cope with the heat problems just in case we get a long hot summer next year, as the North of Scotland has the thinnest ozone layer as protection against UV’s which are not too good for our Free Range/Organic hens either.
Poultry Club of Scotland Dinner 20th, missed it this year for the first time, prior appointment with the NHS, Steve Mitchell tells us that the 335 dinners this year had an excellent dinner again with many people making a weekend of it with over 180 room bookings.
David Scott of Lowman GB was presented with the Howie/Surgenor cup for his contributions to the poultry industry. (Pictures to follow next week)