2 October 2015 | Poultry | 5925 views

SEPRA Market Report 2nd October 2015

The market is steady but quiet, with most people sitting on the fence price wise , as demand will pick up, the differentials between Colony and Free Range is increasing partly through the special offers in the supermarkets and partly due to a slight drop in placings for Free Range, but the difference is necessary due to the higher cost of Free Range  production.
Some of the big packers seem to be panicking slightly, but it is only a month till the clocks change and demand increases with the darker nights and these mornings are distinctly Autumnal already.
One reason for the lack of demand In Scotland is we are about to have the October school holidays and most parents cut back on expenditure if possible to fund the holiday period.
We are now into the autumn migratory period for wetland wildfowl coming down from the North and Siberia, the Geese are arriving on mass, but they are not the problem, it is the Quakers that appear to be the big hazard and carriers of AI and have the resilience to survive it’s effects and become carriers, as they are mostly nocturnal you might not be aware of them visiting your Free Range areas, let’s hope for a mild winter.
We have included this week a more detailed account of the AI problems in the USA as if was not for the diligent of staff and vets plus our ministry’s officials we might well be in the same position.
Their cost of AI figures are mind blowing , but it is America and everything is big, but it has obviously sent shock waves right through their entire industry, they will make changes and bounce back.
We also include part 2 on the TTIP which could affect our entire industry as with the beak trimming proposals it is politicians that make the decisions, many of whom give the impression that they are still struggling with their shoe laces.
What affect would zero tariff barriers have, it wouldn’t directly affect the fresh shell egg market as there is local image and a good array of well-known brands plus our traceability and quality ID.
What it would affect would be products on the shelf, which would reduce the demand and prices for farm seconds and eggs for processing severely weakening the bottom end of the market and we are all aware in this country with the supermarket wars that the market is now led from the bottom up.