27 November 2015 | Poultry | 6884 views

SEPRA Market Report 27th November 2015

The market a much bigger split between Free Range and Colony, if you have any surplus Free Range especially Lion Code say it very quietly or you will be trampled to death in the rush, they are simply not there and it is getting worse, a lot of flocks are being depleted with pullets coming in January/February.
On the other hand Colony is just not moving, with all the supermarket promotions we have had on Free Range it appears consumers have gone in that direction and have got used to it, unless a big price differential appears on the supermarket floor there is no incentive to purchase Colony.
Price wise we have heard of Medium Colony at 52p and 1 London wholesaler’s delivery price only 49p on the other hand Ireland has put 5p on Free Range for next week.
Continental prices have also stalled a bit as has their business to the US and ex US customers this we find not particularly surprising as we have heard a lot of complaints on quality particularly about Italian and Spanish eggs, it would have made more sense to have sent the best, rather than rubbish for a quick killing.
Add to this that the US is slowly getting back into business following their AI disaster, although the USDA gave a figure of -4% egg production for 2015 they are predicting +2% increase in normal production figures for 2016 and the US know the business of exporting well.