19 October 2015 | Poultry | 6196 views

SEPRA Market Report 16th October 2015

The market, demand is still quietish with prices holding on, slight adjustment here and there with a wee bit of weakening on Continental prices and we heard of some Spanish Mediums at 58p. Consensus of opinion is that prices and demand will move up when the clocks change on the 25th (8 days away) at present Free Range supplies are extremely tight and prices will move up fairly quickly and most likely pull Colony prices up with them, as it looks like there will not be enough F/R to meet demand. Although there has been an increase of 6.2% in UK production they are all finding a home and importation figures are also up, mostly in product form but no matter how you look at it the combination of special offers in the supermarkets plus all the good publicity in the media showing that eggs are almost the perfect food to keep you fit and healthy which fits in well with the high protein low fat and starch diets plus exercise, the latest figures show a 21.9% increase in UK egg consumption since 2008. James Baxter he and his family really have something to smile about as he has just been voted Poultry Farmer of the Year all that hard work and planning with no doubt a lot of time on the prayer mat in front of the bank manager is paying off and they now have a business to be proud of, Glenhead Farm is as far west in Dumfries and Galloway as you can go without swimming in the Irish Sea the isolation must help in disease control, but you still need good management and Bio-Security. He fallows on our Scottish tradition of stockmanship first, accountancy second followed by a lot of hard work, he follows last year’s winner David Brass of the Lakes Free Range. James has been extremely busy of late travelling all over the country and even found the time on Tuesday to represent SEPRA at BEIC in London (busy people get things done)