11 September 2015 | Poultry | 6235 views

SEPRA Market Report 11th September 2015

The market is quitter but steady, it looks like readjusting and a bit of politics in the changes this week,  Central Egg have reduced the price on Colony but don’t really have any, but the weakening on the price on Small is an indication of some new restocking in Colony.
Also with all the big supermarkets having special offers on Free Range this has weakened the demand on Colony, in correspondence with our American friends they are saying that there has been an increase in the demand for Free Range and non-cage because of the AI problems and the big losses in cage production which has pushed the price up to record heights, also in California their propositioned 2 has swung supply and demand to non-cage.
The small quantity of eggs and product sent to the USA from the EU has affected their prices downward and has steadied and raised the prices in the EU, some eggs and product have been sent to traditional US markets namely Hong Kong and Japan from Italy and Spain but because of inconsistency in quality and supply they are looking to the US for the future, which would give EU suppliers 12 months to get their house in order or loose these exports which would greatly affect  EU pricing with the old supply and demand system, plus eggs and product from Ukraine, which will add to the problem.
The first piece included this week is on the debate  between higher welfare standards verses cost of production and where will we be in 20 years’ time with the world population expanding to it’s predicted level then, the article and the comments are self- explanatory but is certainly food for thought.
AI the out-break in Lancashire is thought to have come from wild ducks nesting on a pond that the Free Range hens had access to, it is coming back to that time of year again when waterfowl migrate South from Siberia, let’s hope it is a mild winter and most stay on the Continent and not crossing the North Sea.
In the USA they are also getting that feeling in the back of the neck linked to migrating waterfowl, the next few months will see whether the precautions and increased Bio-Security are having an effect.
It is also good to see that our industry has rallied round to help in the clean-up and sterilisation in Lancashire which hopefully should cut 6 months off the program towards clean state status.
And lastly if you are under 40 or know someone who is and has contributed to the prosperity of your business or our industry get an application sent in to Philip Clarke for Young Poultry Person of the year.