11 January 2016 | Poultry | 9055 views

SEPRA Market Report 11th January 2016

The market, is in a mess, with a small degree of panic, an awful lot of Free Range have suddenly appeared , it looks like consumers in the post- Christmas New Year financial depression have cut back more than usual on food including eggs but have also changed to the bargain packs rather than Free Range.
The word is that Free Range will pick up fairly quickly, but there is a lot of pullets housing January/February and a lot of new production and capacity post Easter which will supress Free Range prices.
Our Continental friends think that the long term outlook is good but we have been told of Spanish Mediums delivered to England at £11 per case, but no details of quality or age.
We are glad to hear that France is getting on top of the Avian Influenza problem, the worrying problem is that the bulk of the confirmed outbreaks are right along the French/Spanish border, with none so far in Spain we wonder are they looking, if you don’t look you can’t find and every country is very wary of the financial consequences of AI particularly in the UK and USA.
It was previously thought that the high risk was from wetland species coming down from Siberia down through the Baltic States to Holland and if a hard winter pushing them over to the UK, but now there is a new risk of the spring migration of birds returning from Africa via Spain and France.