On Wednesday, 14th March 2012, The British Homeopathic Association and Jim Eadie MSP are hosting a reception at the Scottish Parliament entitled ’Cleaning up the food chain; the role homeopathy could play’.
The reception will be held at 6:00 ’ 8:00pm in Committee Room 1 of the Scottish Parliament in Edinburgh.
Guest speakers will include veterinary surgeons Geoff Johnson MA (Cantab), MRCVS, RSHom, PCH VetMFHom, and Nick Thompson BSc(Hons) Path Sci., BVM&S, VetMFHom, MRCVS.
Topics discussed will include the EU’s decision to reduce the amount of antibiotics in the food chain, how to integrate homeopathy into a modern veterinary practice, and the growing amount of evidence on the efficacy of homeopathic medicines for both people and animals.
Geoff and Nick have decades of experience in treating animals with homeopathy and will share with MSPs an overview of recent research as well as some case studies from their respective practices.
Geoff and Nick will be available to speak to journalists during the day of the 14th, in advance of their evening presentation in the Scottish Parliament.
Did you know?
’’’’’’’’’ The EU is spending ’2 million researching how homeopathy can be used to treat farm animals and reduce the use of antibiotics and other drugs in the food chain
’’’’’’’’’ More and more farmers are discovering how homeopathy provides cost-effective health benefits for their herds
’’’’’’’’’ There is a growing evidence-base supporting homeopathy as an effective medical therapy for people and animals