United Kingdom-Farmers Suing government over foot and mouth.


The two laboratories, at the center of the foot-and-mouth outbreak in England last year, are being sued by 14 farmers, who are also suing the government.

If the High Court case is successful, this could cost the laboratories and the government US$200 million, on top on the compensation already paid.

The farmers allege, that there was negligence on the part of the government Department for Environment and Rural Affairs, as well as the laboratories and that they lacked in their duty to stop the virus escaping.

The losses to the farmers are principally due to the beef export ban, that followed the outbreak and the disruption to business.

The ban also effected the live shipping of 3,000 calves per week, to Holland and Belgium.

The foot-and-mouth-disease outbreak in August 2007, was rapidly contained after hundreds of animals were destroyed, however the export bans caused great turmoil in the beef industry.