RABDF mixed reaction to Defra’s draft Animal Health Bill

The Royal Association of British Dairy Farmers has welcomed the Secretary of State’s first reading of the draft Animal Health Bill which is set to introduce a new non-departmental public body, the Animal Health Organisation (AHO). While the association considers the AHO to be a step in the right direction for animal health policy in England and Wales, it has called for further details to be resolved before the livestock industry is in a position to give the proposals full backing.

"The draft Bill is just that; it merely outlines the general purpose of the new AHO and does not go into specific details," commented RABDF chairman, Lyndon Edwards. "The idea of bio-security levels being linked to compensation is a sensible approach to achieving a long term healthy livestock population. However, the document fails to mention animal welfare, an issue that is inextricably linked to animal health, and one we would appeal to government to consider progressing any further with the Bill.

"As far as cost sharing is concerned, then we welcome Defra abandoning its proposals for insurance premiums but continue to totally oppose the introduction of individual animal levies. It is crucial that the funding mechanisms do not negatively impact on farmers; we simply cannot accept further farmer costs as part of government’s cost saving measures when in fact placing emphasis on measures such as bio-security will have a cost in itself.

"We would also urge the Responsibility and Cost Sharing Group chaired by Rosemary Radcliffe to give further thought to a number of issues before the legislative process is progressed. The draft document contains some very shady areas, for example it is unclear as yet whether companion animals and horses will come under the scope of the body and this will ultimately affect how the organisation operates."

He adds: "Until we receive more details on Defra’s proposals for responsibility and cost sharing, and in particular the funding and scope of the AHO body, then the jury remains out."