Dow AgroSciences has launched a new formulation of its popular knapsack-applied herbicide Grazon 90, used against a wide range of problem weeds growing in grass.
Re-named GrazonPro, this foliar-acting spray contains two modern active ingredients which readily translocate within the weeds right down to their roots. They give long-lasting control of common nettles, broad-leaved and curled docks, creeping and spear thistles, as well as brambles and gorse.
GrazonPro is one of very few products to have specific approval for use as a spot treatment. It can only be applied through hand-held equipment such as a knapsack sprayer or hand-held lance operated from the back of a quad bike.
It is ideal for treating small patches of weeds (covering less than 5% of the field), or for spraying infestations on steep ground which are inaccessible by tractor. It can also be used as a targeted application in species-rich or clover-dominated swards.
“There are many grass fields with a higher number of weed species in them this year,” says David Roberts, grassland agronomist with Dow AgroSciences. “The extreme weather of the past two seasons has encouraged perennial weeds to take hold, and they are having a serious impact on grass yields and quality.
“It has been difficult to find appropriate spray windows the past two springs – but these weeds can no longer be ignored. Most livestock farmers are desperately short of conserved forage and grazing started very late this year.
“Cleaning up even small patches of weeds using GrazonPro, which targets key weeds without affecting the grass, will help generate a more productive sward for the rest of this summer and next year.”