Kyrgzstan-Brucellosis epidemic in cattle and humans.



WHILE Russian authorities are banning meat from counties all over the world, they are doing nothing about the epidemic of brucellosis in their own backyard in Kyrgyzstan, that has affected 2,000 humans.

The Red Cross and the World Health Organization (WHO),are at a loss knowing what to do as the hospitals fill up and nothing is being done to prevent the spread of the disease.

Everyone has known most certainly since the end of World War 11, that TB and Brucellosis can be spread through milk or meat products. This was why the English Ministry of Agriculture Food and Fisheries (MAFF) in England introduced TT testing or Tubercular Testing, on all farms in England and eradicated the disease.

The small former Soviet nation of Kyrgyzstan, that gained independence in 1991 is showing in the Naryn region, a 10% incidence of brucellosis in the human population according to the WHO.

Brucellosis in humans, causes loss of weight, followed by a slow agonizing death and abortion in women.

The authorities in Russia come up with new reasons to ban meat from being imported, that are so obscure, they could be called ridiculous, yet do nothing about something far more serious on their doorstep, for which prevention is quite simple.

The authorities in England, are just as bad in regard to TB, that could be eradicated in the fifties, before man went to the moon and television was black and white, yet the problem is increasing today and nothing is seriously being done, for fear of offending the greenies.