Chile-Fish disease.


Senator Antonio Horvath, president of the Senate’s Fisheries Commission, has proposed an alternative outlook on tackling the Chilean salmon farming industry crisis, in view of the fact that "the government-proposed job creation plans only last a pair of months and generally fail to generate new productive activities."

"We are proposing forestation plans with algae, which is very meticulous work, even in land-based forestation. A lot of manual labour work is required," explained the federal legislator, given the sector crisis that has generated mass dismissals, resource shortages and social problems.

According to FIS, programmes must be implemented that add value to resources like bivalves "for although they fetch a very low international price, if packaged, smoked or prepared to somehow add value, new markets open up," Horvath said.

Fisheries Commission legislators will also listen to proposals drafted by non-governmental organisations and the aquaculture sectors workers federation in a bid to learn of possible solutions to the crisis affecting salmon farmers, reports FIS.

Meanwhile, the Chilean government announced it will allocate more than USD 8 million to launch a programme designed to soften the impact of layoffs in the salmon farming industry.