Brazil-Traceability implants in cattle.



Micro chip implants, are to replace ear tagging that caused the recent problems with the European Union, in regards to cattle identification in Brazil, it appears the problems will soon be over.

Its an ill wind that blows no good, the time of the ban on Brazilian beef into Europe since January of last year, has allowed Brazil to develop a product, that will be the envy of the world.

The new micro chip, that is already used in racehorses and domestic pets, will be implanted into calves at birth, giving the full history and trace-ability from birth to point of slaughter.

The revolutionary device that was developed by Ceitic Semiconductor Systems, along with the Ministry of Science and Technology of Brazil, will be placed into one million calves this year.

One never knows what the future holds, the rights to the revolutionary system, may even be sold to European farmers, to improve their own trace-ability in the EU, at some time in the future