Goodyear's top tips for storing your harvester

As part of the full service provision that Goodyear offers their Farm Tyre customers, the leading tyre manufacturer has put together some top tips for storing your harvester for the winter.

Phil Stanton, Goodyear’s Farm Manager said: ’It is important for farmers to store their harvesters in a good, sheltered place for the winter. Ensuring that a harvester remains lubricated and internally dry can mean there is less time wasted in the new year and a smaller risk of problems developing through the cold season.’

1. Visually inspect the tyres for severe cuts, bulges or other signs of damage and obtain advice from a tyre professional for the best way to repair any damage noticed.

2. The ideal scenario is for the machine to be jacked up and stored with the tyres off the floor with the entire load taken off the tyres. However this is not always practical and some insurance companies specifically exclude it as they want the machine to be moveable in a hurry if required.

3. If the scenario in tip 2 is not possible then you should inflate the tyres to their maximum inflation pressure (usually stamped on the sidewall). This will minimise the stress on the sidewalls and reduce flat spotting.

4. If your tyres need replacing then do this over the winter, most farmers tend to wait until before the next harvest to replace tires, however this is when demand is highest and availability lowest so you may have trouble finding what you need.

5. Ensure the storage area is clear of oil, paint, and any other solvents or chemicals. If these substances come into contact with the tyres they can cause irreparable damage to the rubber compounds.

6. Finally you should always ensure that you check and follow any specific requirements that the vehicle manufacturer may recommend.