Organic cow manure set to power Wrexham village

A Wrexham village could soon be powered by cow's manure with the commencement of work at a local farm.

In January this year, the Evening Leader reported that Holt farmer, Richard Tomlinson, intended to build the digester which he hopes will eventually be able to supply the village with electricity.

Richard, who has already gained the support of the community, has been given the go-ahead by Wrexham planners and the first phase of work has now begun.

The anaerobic digester could turn the slurry produced by his 600 organic dairy cows into renewable electricity.

Once the system is up to full capacity, it should generate enough electricity for the 800 residents of Holt and Richard believes that the technology could be one day used to power Wrexham.

He said: "The potential for this technology to produce significant amounts of renewable electricity in the UK is immense. We intend to be the first farm in Wales to produce electricity from cow slurry. I am aware of many other like minded farmers who are watching this space with interest."