The 23rd of March 2016 will be the date announced by Farmers For Action (FFA) for a major farm protest to take place on the streets of London.
The protest will involve all agricultural sectors, FFA claims it will be an opportunity for farmers to get their message across about the current hard-hitting crisis facing the UK farming industry.
Below is the full extract from the Farmers for Action website:
Just to let everyone know, all the relevant documentation to gain permission for the above March has now been submitted to the authorities. The current date being considered is Wednesday March 23rd 2016 As you will all appreciate this is a massive undertaking and a lot of patience from you all is going to be required.
We are currently looking at transport, at the moment coaches appear to be the best option and we would hope a lot of you would organise your own coach in your own area because as you are all aware FFA resources are limited.
Please let us know if you are willing to arrange a coach from your area, with your contact details and we will create a transport page here so that as many people as possible can take part.
We will make regular updates on the website as often as is appropriate. FB posts will also be made but as these tend to get swallowed up, first port of call for info should be Once everything is confirmed with the authorities we will notify the farming and national media as we welcome members of the general public as well as farmers and their families.
It is a busy time for most farmers but if you could ask a friend or relative to represent you, that would be absolutely fine.If you could also contact the businesses that supply your farming requirements, if they would be prepared to financially sponsor a coach from your area. This will help and we will obviously promote their business on the day.
PLEASE NOTE - This March will be lawful, so anyone who is coming with intention of causing disruption in London, you will do it at your own risk and will be dealt with by the authorities. On this day we will be open to the eyes and ears of the general public, our customers, and the media. We need to show that we are fighting for our industry but can do it in a most peaceful manner and still achieve a result.
So get your creative juices flowing, start making those banners, costumes, etc., and lets show London and the rest of the country why the farming community is so important to our island and is people, in these very testing times.
Finally, this March is for all sectors, not just dairy as many seem to assume, so please come along and support and promote your specific industry.