Compassion to march against live exports in London

A march is expected to go ahead in London on the 10th of August held by Compassion in World Farming against the live export of farm animals. Over ten thousand sheep and calves have been exported live through Dover since the trade returned to the port in May.

Philip Lymbery CEO of Compassion in World Farming says: “By marching through London, our supporters are sending a clear message to David Heath MP that we are demanding action to be taken to end live exports for good. This government has used European legislation as an excuse not to end the cruel and unpopular export of live animals to an uncertain fate on the continent. Defra has said it would prefer to see animals slaughtered as near as possible to where they are reared so now we need to see some action, not more excuses.”

Last year over 47,000 young sheep and calves were sent on long journeys from as far afield as Wales and Lincolnshire across the channel to France, Germany, the Netherlands and Belgium.

"Animals should be slaughtered or fattened as close as possible to where they are born, as long distance transport can have a terrible effect their welfare."

The UK government continues to use European legislation as an excuse not to stop live exports. An outdated 160 year-old UK law, the Harbours, Docks and Piers Clauses Act 1847, means that public ports in Britain cannot refuse live animals for export, as all ports must allow the free trade of “goods”. UK law should reflect that animals have been recognised as sentient beings under EU law since 1999. A different set of rules and regulations should apply to sentient creatures.

The UK Farming Minister, David Heath MP has the power to amend the 1847 Act and by doing so improve the welfare of thousands of animals by stopping them being transported to the continent.

Amending the Act would not break EU law and would give UK ports the power to refuse live exports. Ultimately, giving local authorities the power to refuse live exports could end the trade.

Compassion said it was disappointed that live exports resumed from Dover in May. The shift to Dover could signal a revival of this cruel and unpopular trade. Continued opposition to live exports is demonstrated by the actions of KAALE (Kent Action Against Live Exports) and the RSPCA who held a peaceful demonstration against live exports at Dover port on the 3rd August.