10 March 2016 | Property News | 10891 views

SmartWater - A prosperous future for the food and drink supply chain

The charity Business in the Community (BITC) is calling on food and drink businesses to take action across their supply chains to improve water quality and reduce water usage, at an event in central London today, attended by HRH Prince of Wales.

Water quality is an urgent national concern, with only 17% of water bodies currently meeting ‘good’ standards. Managing our water resources better to meet the challenges of increasing populations and changing weather patterns is essential.

The food and drink sectors have significant impact on water quality and use, through their direct operations and wider agricultural supply chains, including farms.

The report calls on food and drink businesses, as well as retailers and caterers to work with farmers to provide support, and to think about what happens in their own factory or operations and to consider how water is used in the agricultural supply chain.