Tool to help landowners spot energy scheme opportunities

Strutt & Parker's tool aims to help landowners identify if they have land suitable for a renewable energy project
Strutt & Parker's tool aims to help landowners identify if they have land suitable for a renewable energy project

A new mapping tool has launched to help farmers and landowners spot energy scheme opportunities.

Strutt & Parker's tool aims to help landowners identify if they have land suitable for a renewable energy project, such as a solar farm, battery storage or wind turbines.

Soaring energy prices and the need to replace lost revenues as agricultural incomes come under pressure is driving fresh interest in renewable energy projects on farms and estates.

The tool takes into account factors such as land grade – ideally land should be Grade 3 or below as any development on Grade 1 or 2 land is likely to meet resistance during the planning process – flood risk, ecological concerns and proximity to any listed buildings or scheduled monuments.

Tom Charles, associate director of Strutt & Parker, said now was a good time to investigate whether an energy project might be a possibility for a land-based business.

He said rents of £1,000/acre were available for solar farms and battery storage projects generated around £2,000/MW.

“With electricity costs spiralling and energy security becoming a bigger priority, it is anticipated that sites are going to be looked at more favourably within the planning system moving forward.”

The tool produces a short report offering landowners an insight into where opportunities might lie and points to where there might be specific barriers to a planning application.

This report also includes details of local grid capacity, where this is made available by the local Distribution Network Operator.

Strutt & Parker said the main limitation for any renewables project would be grid capacity, which was becoming increasingly constrained.

Farmers and landowners interested in the mapping tool have been told to contact Tom Charles on