NFU Cymru is reminding sheep keepers that from 1 January 2016, the non-electronic slaughter tag will no longer be allowed as the single tagging option to identify lambs intended for slaughter.
At the recent NFU Cymru Livestock Board, the newly elected Chairman Wyn Evans said, “This is important to remember, not least when re-ordering supplies of tags, as the non-electronic slaughter tags cannot be used to identify lambs from January onwards. Lambs identified with a non EID slaughter tag prior to 1 January 2016 can continue to move with this tag until they are deemed to be 12 months of age.
“The tagging options available from January will include full electronic identification for lambs that are kept beyond 12 months of age. Full EID should be used for lambs kept beyond 12 months of age for breeding purposes; for store/finished hoggets intended for slaughter, but kept beyond 12 months of age and also for lambs intended for live export. An electronic slaughter tag can be used in place of full electronic identification for lambs that are intended to be slaughtered in a UK abattoir, before reaching 12 months of age.
“A further change we need to be aware of is in respect to reporting movements with the expected introduction of EID Cymru. This is the new sheep traceability database for Wales, which will require the compulsory electronic reporting of sheep movements by livestock markets, abattoirs and collection centres from the 18 January 2016.
“Whilst sheep keepers will be encouraged to report moves electronically from mid-January 2016 onwards, there will still be a paper-based license system to report movements via the new EID Cymru office for those who wish,” added Mr Evans.
Mr Evans also wanted to make farmers aware that the Welsh Government Sheep and Goat Annual Inventory 2016 forms have started to be distributed this week. Sheep and goat keepers are required to record the number of sheep/goats at their respective CPH locations on the 1 January and return the form by the 1 February 2016.