James Wallace of Dalton Seeds is advising his growers to take a close look at the new oilseed rape hybrid Record from DSV. "This variety has all the positive features of the popular hybrid Excalibur, but with Excalibur seed now virtually sold out, Record is worth serious consideration and should really come into its own this season."
James has seen a strong demand for early maturing hybrid rapes in the last few years. "Early maturing crops spread the workload at a busy time of year and allow an early start to harvest, ensuring harvest is complete before the wheat is ready. They also provide a good entry for following crops. The new early hybrids are yielding well and appear to be less affected by drought, which has been a challenge this year."
James Wallace sees Record as being a highly suitable alternative to Excalibur as it has the same early maturity, similar short straw with excellent standing ability. "On the plus side Record delivers a higher yield potential, 4% in National List trials, and has a better Phoma stem canker resistance, with a 6 rating. It also delivers very good oil content, (45.2%) which provides extra profit potential."
He points out that Record has out-performed the new early maturing Recommended List candidate variety DK ExPower with a 2% higher yield. It also has much better standing power than DK ExPower. "After three years of dry springs we forget how big a risk of yield loss and harvest difficulties are taken by growing varieties with poor stem stiffness. Record provides growers with the best guarantee of a safe harvest."