Police have issued an image taken from CCTV footage showing a man suspected of stealing several sheep from farmland in East Yorkshire.
The theft of several sheep has happened over the past few months from the same location, near Howden.
The most recent theft happened between 8.30-10.30pm on Sunday 27 January.
Two pedigree Blue Faced Leicester male sheep were stolen from a field near Howden Dyke Road, Howden.
Both sheep are tagged with numbers 4361K001 and 436K002. Additionally, they are data tagged.
Four other pedigree sheep, three Blue Faced Leicester and a Southdown, have been stolen from the same location in August and November 2018.
Two people are thought to be involved in the offences, one of which is shown in the CCTV image.
It follows news of livestock rustlers stealing around 500 sheep worth more than £60,000 from a farm in Norfolk earlier this month.
If you can ID this man or have information that could help with our investigation please call us on 101 quoting 16/19638/19. Alternatively you can call Crime Stoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111 quoting the same reference number.