Electricity distributor, Northern Powergrid, is set to spend its fifth year at the Great Yorkshire Show spreading potentially lifesaving messages to the region’s farming community.
The show, now in its 158th year, starts Tuesday 12 July and runs until Thursday 14 July with Northern Powergrid’s team on site for the full three days.
Employees will be on hand offering essential free safety guidance to farmers about working near its overhead power lines, answering questions from landowners about the occasions when the company needs to go onto their land to carry out essential maintenance as well as providing information about how Northern Powergrid invests £1 million every day in the region’s electricity network.
Craft apprentices and graduates from the company will also be on hand to provide details about career opportunities as well as sharing real-life experiences of working for the region’s electricity distributor.
Northern Powergrid’s safety mascots: Metal Theft Man, Vic Voltage, Lola Livewire, Billy Brightspark and Bee Safe will all make appearances as part of a range of family-fun activities planned for the event.
The company will also host live demonstrations on staying safe around power lines and how its people manage and maintain the power network across the North East, Yorkshire and northern Lincolnshire.
Sharing safety messages
To help bring the harvesting safety message home to local farmers and farm workers, Northern Powergrid will be handing out specially designed key rings and pens, containing scrolls with vital safety advice, and in-cab air fresheners and stickers aimed at reminding people to look up and be aware of any power lines where they’re working.
Geoff Earl, Northern Powergrid’s Director of Safety, Health and Environment, said: "This will be our fifth year attending the Great Yorkshire Show and we’re looking forward to once again being part of this prestigious agricultural event.
"With around 130,000 visitors expected overs the three days, it provides us with a great opportunity to meet our customers, share safety messages with the farming community and give people a real insight into the investments we make and what we do every single day to keep their lights on."
Northern Powergrid is also planning to attend the Driffield Show (20 July), Penistone Agricultural Show (10 September) and Stokesley Show (17 September).