The starting gun has been fired on NFU Scotland elections, with nominations sought for key roles within the union including president and vice president.
The election for these key appointments within Scottish agriculture will take place at the union’s AGM and council meeting, in February 2023.
Current president Martin Kennedy, who farms in Highland Perthshire, will complete his first two year term at the union’s AGM.
Mr Kennedy has indicated that he will be standing for election for a second two year term.
Vice president Andrew Connon from Aberdeenshire and vice president Robin Traquair from Midlothian, who were first elected in 2021, have also indicated they will be standing.
Any NFU Scotland member can be nominated for election, providing they are proposed and seconded by fellow members.
The presidential position is held for two years, and a president can serve a maximum of two consecutive two year terms.
Under the union's terms, those elected to the position of vice president will initially serve for two years before the post reverts to an annual election.
Members of NFU Scotland’s council – a body made up from representatives of each of the union’s 73 branches - will select the successful candidates.
NFU Scotland chief executive, Scott Walker said: “We invite applications from those keen to lead NFUS and represent the Scottish farming industry.
“Every elected presidential team faces a set of unique situations. The challenges are many and the decisions our president and vice presidents make help shape Scottish agriculture and its whole supply chain.
"They are challenging roles but highly rewarding. The people who are elected to these posts will hold the most influential positions in Scottish Farming."
In the run up to the AGM in February 2023 – taking place in Glasgow - NFU Scotland will be holding hustings across all regions in early 2023.