Northern Irish farmers can now apply for grants of up to £250,000 as part of a scheme encouraging on-farm investments.
NI's Department of Agriculture (DAERA) minister Edwin Poots has announced the opening of Tier 2 of the Farm Business Improvement Scheme - Capital (FBIS-C).
Tier 2 is for projects costing over £30,000, and is primarily for construction projects and the purchase of higher value equipment linked to the needs in the farmer's business plan.
The scheme will a grant rate of 40 percent of eligible costs, with £250,000 being the maximum grant available.
Mr Poots said the focus of the fund was on larger-scale investment to 'encourage a step change' in the agriculture and horticulture sectors.
“We want to drive transformational investment in future proofed, fit-for-purpose, modern infrastructure and equipment, guided by a robust business planning process within assisted farms.
“I am now inviting those farmers and growers who submitted an Expression of Interest and who are ready to make a significant investment to transform their business to come forward now."
There was a significant number of Expressions of Interest in this tranche of Tier 2 FBIS – Capital, which were used to explore the type of investment planned, approximate total costs and potential time for completion.
Only those farm businesses which submitted an Expression of Interest will be eligible to submit a full application for Tier 2 tranche 2 by the application closing date, 1 April 2022.