NFU Scotland names five candidates contesting presidential roles

Current NFU Scotland president Martin Kennedy (middle) will step down from the role after four years
Current NFU Scotland president Martin Kennedy (middle) will step down from the role after four years

NFU Scotland has named five candidates contesting both the union's president and vice president roles, with the successful candidates announced in February.

Current vice presidents, Andrew Connon and Alasdair Macnab, will contest the position of president at the AGM in Glasgow on 7 February 2025.

The position of president will be voted on by the union’s council, and the successful candidate will be elected to the post of president for a two-year term.

They will succeed Martin Kennedy who has held office for four years, the maximum term allowed under NFU Scotland's constitution.

Three nominations for the two vice presidential posts have also been received - Michael Davis, Duncan Macalister and Robert Neill.

Vice presidents will also be elected by the council for an initial two-year period before being eligible for re-election on an annual basis thereafter.

Hustings events, attended in person by all presidential candidates, will take place in January, NFU Scotland has confirmed.

The union has also released a detailed biography of each candidate, which can be viewed online [PDF].

NFU Scotland's CEO, John Davidson confirmed he had received the five nominations by the closing deadline, which was 6 December.

“We have excellent candidates, and I encourage every member to take part in the forthcoming hustings events in January prior to feeding back to their council members.

“Strong teamwork has always been central to NFU Scotland’s lobbying efforts."