NFU Mutual joins farmers' support for Ukraine with £150k donation

NFU Mutual Charitable Trust has joined farmers’ support for Ukraine with a £150,000 emergency donation
NFU Mutual Charitable Trust has joined farmers’ support for Ukraine with a £150,000 emergency donation

Rural insurer NFU Mutual has announced a £150,000 emergency donation to support communities affected by the war in Ukraine.

Across the UK, farmers, rural communities and farming unions have unveiled extraordinary efforts to support and show solidarity with the people of Ukraine.

The NFU Mutual Charitable Trust, an independent charity NFU Mutual set up to support charitable initiatives, is the latest to do so.

The charity has announced a £150,000 donation to support Ukrainians affected by the devastating crisis as a result of Russia's invasion.

The Trust said it would be making the donation to the Disasters Emergency Committee’s Ukraine Appeal.

In addition to this, NFU Mutual confirmed that it would be divesting from all Russian holdings 'as soon as practically possible'.

It has also signed up to the ABI’s pledges, which commit to allowing customers to use their private and commercial vehicles to deliver humanitarian aid into neighbouring countries.

Jim McLaren MBE, chairman of the NFU Mutual Charitable Trust, said: “This devastating crisis has touched everyone and people are desperate to help.

"Some will have worked alongside Ukrainian colleagues on British farms and are deeply concerned for their Ukrainian friends and their families.

"Others will be watching the terrible events unfold at home and want to do all they can to support the victims of the crisis.

“We hope our special donation of £150,000 to the Disasters Emergency Committee Appeal will help further the incredible support shown by farmers across the UK."

Many farms are already supporting Ukrainians through their own efforts with a range of activities, from setting up donation stations to fundraising in the communities they serve.