NFU launches arable campaign after 'disastrous' toll on sector

The annual campaign comes as confidence in the arable sector sits at an all-time low
The annual campaign comes as confidence in the arable sector sits at an all-time low

The NFU has launched a new campaign to put a spotlight on the importance of the British harvest following a 'disastrous' toll on the sector.

The #YourHarvest campaign is set to highlight the work of arable farmers across the country by bringing their stories to life on social media.

They will explain what is happening on farm during harvest, what’s being grown in the fields, how crops are being used, and how the produce ends up on plates.

The annual campaign, which is once again launched by the NFU, comes as confidence in the arable sector sits at an all-time low.

It follows months of wet weather and flooding, combined with high production costs, ongoing market volatility and reduced farm support.

Launching the campaign today, the NFU said the next government must act to support those farmers hit by "some of the most challenging weather conditions in living memory".

The union's combinable crops board chair, Jamie Burrows said: “Arable farmers, like everyone, have faced a miserable last six months of continuous wet weather which has led to devastating flooding and thousands of acres of productive farmland affected.

"Many of our members have been unable to get onto fields to plant crops and those that did manage it have lost much of what was already in the ground.

"For those that have planted, it's now a wait and see game with what the summer holds. We literally are in the lap of the weather gods."

The government recently announced more measures to provide arable farmers with support, including widening the scope of the Farm Recovery Fund.

But the NFU said the next government following the general election must instigate 'further practical policies', such as the union's proposed Farm Business Investment Loans (FBILs).

According to the NFU, these would enable farmers to not only weather the current, highly volatile commercial conditions, but to invest in their businesses to become more resilient.

Mr Burrows said this year’s #YourHarvest campaign was more important than ever following 'such a tough year'.

"With combines preparing to roll within weeks, we will be celebrating across all social media platforms everything that is great about harvest."

Farmers and members of the public can show their support for the harvest this summer by sharing their photos and videos on social media using #YourHarvest.