New opportunity for youngsters to learn about farming

Tens of thousands of youngsters across the UK will be able to learn more about agriculture and the environment after the NFU teamed up with The Pony Club for its achievement badge scheme.

The charity has a range of equine and non-equine badges and the NFU-sponsored badges will help teach its young members about farming, wildlife, bird watching, trees and wild flowers.

The new farming badges will help them to identify a variety of crops, such as potatoes, wheat and barley, tell the difference between breeds of cattle and teach them about different farming methods.

NFU senior campaigns officer Gemma Fitzpatrick said: "We have no doubt that members of The Pony Club will enjoy learning more about farming and the environment and the NFU is very proud to be part of the club’s very popular achievement badge scheme."

The Pony Club’s chief executive Judy Edwards said: "Our achievement badges are a really popular way of training for our members, and the important countryside topics covered in the NFU badges will be of both great educational value and interest to our members across all ages."

Each of the five cloth badges are achieved following the completion of their related ’badge buddy’ booklets, which contain facts, puzzles and sketches. For example, in order to complete the farming badge, young riders will have to demonstrate a working knowledge of harvesting and how to make hay and silage.