New Holstein bull climbs to pole position in AHDB Dairy index run

There’s a new number one Holstein heading the AHDB Dairy bull proofs published this week who has edged his way to the top following many months as a feature of the top 10.

Kings-Ransom Erdman is one of the best daughter-proven bulls of the breed for transmitting longer lifespans (Lifespan Index +0.7) and also excels for daughter fertility (Fertility Index +12.4) and reduces cell counts (SCC Index -18). Transmitting smaller than average stature to his daughters, this Planet son out of a Ramos dam also scores well for reducing the costs of maintenance (Maintenance Index -19), all of which earns him a Profitable Lifetime Index of £603.

Erdman edges ahead of the former number one daughter-proven sire, Gen-I-Beq Lavaman, whose index continues to feature an impressive Predicted Transmitting Ability (PTA) for protein at 23.1kg based on 163 UK daughters milking. His PLI remains high at £599.

De-Su Ransom retains third position with a PLI of £591 and is the highest of many Roylane Socra Robust sons to feature near the top of the rankings.

Co-Op Robust Cabriolet is another son of Robust and as a new entrant in fourth position he is the highest ranking of five sires which were offered last proof run with genomic indexes and are making their debut in the top 10. Features of Cabriolet’s December index include outstanding milk solids, with a PTA for fat of +29.8kg. With a PLI of £573 he exactly confirms the genomic index he earned as a young sire.

Rounding off the top five and climbing from 10th position is the Massey son, No-Fla AltaEverglade, who is the highest top 10 daughter fertility improver with a FI of +14.0. His PLI is £570.

Next up are four new entrants to the top 10, led by Co-op RB Obsr Indy, the highest of several De-Su Observer sons. Rising from 20th position, Indy has the best SCC Index in the top 10 at -29.

With a PLI of £546 and ranking seventh is United-Pride Erdman Evan, an early son of the new number one sire who confirms his genomic predictions, and, like his father, transmits low maintenance costs to his daughters (Maint -20).

Full brothers Cashcoin and Cashmoney (Observer x Goldwyn) rank eighth and ninth with PLIs of £545 and £543 respectively, both graduating from the genomic young sire list. Both also transmit strong type, with Type Merit scores released by Holstein UK today at +2.62 and +2.82.

Sharing 10th place with a PLI of £541 are UK-bred Prehen Omen, whose milk quality continues to impress (+0.16% fat and +0.17% protein), while Weigeline Observe Puzzle is the fourth Observer son in the top 10.

Just outside the top 10 in 12th and 14th position are Mainstream Manifold and Gran-J-Oman McCormick, now featuring as high reliability sires with 1,878 and 9,613 UK daughters contributing to their production figures. Both former top 10 bulls, they have PLIs of £533 and £527 respectively. Sharing 12th position is UK bred, Laurelhill Classic. All three are sons of Oman whose long-term influence in the PLI rankings remains unsurpassed, and all three transmit the characteristic fitness traits we have come to expect from their legendary sire.

Marco Winters, head of genetics for AHDB Dairy says: “The £PLI run this month features a reassuring blend of proven sires which are sticking around as they add daughters, and genomic newcomers whose first daughter-proven indexes are comfortingly close to their earlier genomic predictions.

“I hope this gives every dairy farmer confidence that when they choose their daughter-proven bulls they have a reliable prediction of the transmitting potential these bulls can be expected to deliver on their own farms.”