Nature Improvement Areas must not stifle development

The CLA has welcomed the 12 Nature Improvement Areas (NIAs) announced today by Defra, while stressing the plans to create new havens for wildlife and restore habitats must not stifle development.

CLA President Harry Cotterell said: "It is good that the Government has committed itself to encouraging farmers and land managers to work collaboratively with local authorities and other groups.

"We have long argued for this landscape-scale approach of working to address environmental challenges such as improving water quality, and addressing the decline of some of our native wildlife. We are pleased these partnerships are being promoted to get the best for landscapes and biodiversity at a local level."

However, Mr Cotterell added that NIAs must secure innovative new sources of funding if their ambition is to be realised.

He said: "Environment Minister Richard Benyon has assured CLA members that NIAs will not be used to stifle economic development so it is vital these areas are not underpinned by additional local planning constraints because this was never the intended approach."

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