Livestock worrying: Police and farmers inform public on tougher law

The Scottish campaign will spread the message about the new law and encourage responsible dog ownership
The Scottish campaign will spread the message about the new law and encourage responsible dog ownership

Police Scotland and farmers are seeking to inform the public on the introduction of new livestock worrying legislation which brings with it tougher punishments.

Police Scotland and NFU Scotland have launched the Livestock Attack and Distress campaign centred on the new legislation, which includes fines of up to £40,000 and prison sentences.

The campaign carries the slogan ‘Your Dog – Your Responsibility’, and it will educate dog owners about the tougher rules which came into effect last year.

The Dogs (Protection of Livestock) (Amendment) (Scotland) Act 2021, made possible due to a Members Bill brought forward by Emma Harper MSP, was supported by the farming industry after continued attacks on farm animals by out-of-control dogs.

Under the new legislation, camelids such as llamas and alpacas, together with ostriches, game birds and farmed deer are now protected.

The inclusion of the word 'attack' in the legislation was also welcomed by rural organisations, as this clearly reflects the more serious aspect of such an incident.

It also includes provision to fine the owners of dogs that attack livestock up to £40,000 or even send them to prison.

But the need to communicate the new measures to the dog-owning public has been shown by a recent survey commissioned by rural insurer NFU Mutual.

Only 4% of people surveyed knew they could now be fined up to £40,000 if their dog attacked livestock and only 22% knew they could be sent to prison.

NFU Mutual's claims figures show that the cost of dog attacks on livestock rose by 50% in the first quarter of 2021 as the pandemic led to a surge in dog ownership and rural visits.

The Livestock Attack and Distress campaign will run through the lambing season, when sheep and lambs are most vulnerable to attacks and will be then run again in the autumn.

Inspector Alan Dron, Police Scotland's national rural crime co-ordinator said: “The aim of the campaign is designed to educate and raise awareness amongst dog owners, whether new or experienced, that their dog is very much their responsibility.”

NFU Scotland's rural business policy adviser, Rhianna Montgomery added that with hundreds of incidents across Scotland each year, the protection of livestock was 'paramount' for farmers.

"Educating the public of good practice when taking access in the countryside with dogs, and the penalties now in place for those who are irresponsible, is imperative in reducing the number of livestock attacks.”