Whites Concrete has supplied a pre-cast concrete effluent tank for a farmer-owned dairy company in South Wales that supplies the national milk, retail, food-service and retail markets.
Comprising 175 panels, the Whites Concrete Sealwall tank is now an integral part of a recent £7M investment in a new effluent treatment plant, as well as new boilers which run on clean-burn natural gas.
Whites Concrete had to ensure that its Sealwall tank could be installed on different levels.
Cast in segmental parts, the units have a special jointing system that ensures a watertight and robust connection between adjacent panels.
To prevent any excess foam escaping onto site or into local watercourses, Whites Concrete also built a bespoke foam board at the top of the tank, recessed in order to match the tank’s design.
Overall, the pre-cast benefits of Whites Concrete’s Sealwall tank helped reduce costs by 30%.