Labour's landslide win 'a reset moment' for British farming

NFU president Tom Bradshaw called Labour's win a 'reset moment' for British agriculture (Photo: NFU)
NFU president Tom Bradshaw called Labour's win a 'reset moment' for British agriculture (Photo: NFU)

Labour's landslide general election win is a 'reset moment' for British farming after 14 years of Conservative rule, the NFU has said.

The union said it would now be building on its engagement with Labour ministers to discuss 'essential policy solutions' on key issues for farmers.

These include boosting national food security, contributing to economic growth and driving environmental benefits, the NFU explained.

There are a number of policies within Labour’s manifesto which the industry will likely want to see actioned.

The new Environmental Land Management Schemes (ELMS), setting core standards for food imports and legislation to boost public procurement are likely to be among them.

At the same time, there are various issues that farming groups and unions say need greater recognition if the sector is to unlock its potential for growth.

These are likely to include a fit for purpose Seasonal Workers Scheme, effective import controls, supply chain fairness, investment in infrastructure and flexibility in planning.

Responding to the election result, NFU president Tom Bradshaw said Labour's landslide win was a 'reset moment' for British agriculture.

“Labour’s manifesto recognised that food security is national security, but it is business confidence which forms the foundation of this," he said.

“For Britain’s farmers, the number one priority for the new Labour government must be to set an increased multi-year agriculture budget for the duration of the next Parliament.

"This is about investing in the future of British farming – in homegrown food, in the environment and in renewable energy.

"With British farmers and growers ambitious for the future, what they – and the public – need are practical policies that revitalise farm business confidence and deliver on our shared mission of food security. "