Kielder Organics Meats, a farm recently invited to an exclusive Garden Party at Buckingham Palace in recognition for its admirable farming methods, has been announced as the new main supplier of Oldfields Restaurants.
Colin and Michelle Anderson, owners of Kielder Organic Meats were even specially selected to meet with both Prince Philip and Prince Edward and had a lengthy conversation with them about the way they farm. Colin and Michelle have spent the last four years transforming the 600 acre large hill farm into a certified fully organic farm and will now supply organic lamb and beef direct to Oldfields Restaurants in Durham and Jesmond.
The organic process means that no chemicals are used, the soil is certified organic, nothing is genetically modified, and absolutely nothing pollutes the land or the feed. "Serving organic food in our restaurants benefits our customers in a multitude of ways. First of all, the food is a lot healthier - organic food means there is no exposure to cancer causing pesticides or poisonous chemicals. It generally contains higher levels of vitamin C, magnesium, iron and chromium and is higher in antioxidants, nature's anticancer agents," commented Mike Jameson, Chef Director. "But the main thing for us is the difference in taste - it tastes fantastic!" he added.
Conventional farming tends to use around 400 pesticides on a regular basis in the growing of its crops. Pesticides have been known to affect both the nervous system and the hormone system. Organic farming bans the use of pesticides making the food healthier. It's also kinder to the environment as conventional farming uses more crude oil than any other industry in the manufacture of pesticides and fertilisers.
For the owners of Kielder Organic Meats, the main benefit is the animal welfare, which is taken very seriously indeed. Organic animals are reared outdoors and are fed natural grasses. They aren't given routine antibiotics or anything to fatten them up. "The main reason our farm is organic is because we're passionate that there is less stress for our animals. We don't push them to grow; we leave them to grow slowly and naturally until they are mature in their own time. That way the meat is sweeter and it's kinder to the animal. Everything is done in the most humane way possible," commented Michelle Anderson.