Improving accuracy and reducing risks of slug pellet application

New developments for the Techneat Outcast sprayer-mounted slug pellet applicators will minimise the risk of environmental loss and improve the accuracy of application. Introduced at the Cereals Event this week (9 June 2010), new switching controls for the Outcast now enables operators to turn off the outer satellite head on the spray boom, alongside headlands and watercourses where there is greatest risk of environmental loss.

Furthermore, an upgraded metering mechanism automatically compensates for the reduced output when an individual head is switched off, avoiding over-dosing across the rest of the boom width.

The Outcast features a series of satellite distribution heads mounted along the sprayer boom, to deliver accurate distribution of pellets evenly across the full width of the boom during spraying. Trials have shown significantly better pellet distribution, compared to one single spinner mounted in the centre of the machine.

Tom Neat highlights that, with today’s high capacity 36m sprayers, leaving the whole boom width untreated alongside headlands could seriously expose crops to slug damage. "The new Outcast enables operators to ensure the crop is protected, whilst minimising risk of leaching or soil loss," he advises. "The further advantage with the convenience of the sprayer mounted Outcast, is that if soil conditions preclude slug pellet application during one pass, they can be included on the next without need for a further operation or pass through the crop."

The new Outcast metering mechanism has also been re-designed, with a fixed-speed unit capable of giving more consistent application rates over prolonged periods of use and further enhancing the accuracy of the machines.

Mr Neat reports significant interest and new investment in more accurate slug pellet applicators since guidelines for improved stewardship of pellet applications were introduced. "Not only are growers achieving compliance with best practice, but the Outcast principle of regular low-rate pellet applications with each spray pass, where required, can achieve more even pellet distribution and better protection from slug damage. With the reduced 210g/ha rate of metaldehyde now permitted, getting the best possible results from every application is crucial."

He adds that the vast majority of Techneat Outcast machines are now being supplied with high-capacity hydraulic fans, which assure the most consistent spread of pellets and even application across the full sprayer boom width.

The Outcast V2 and Maxi Outcast are available with up to three solenoid-controlled satellite distribution heads, assuring rapid cut-off on headlands to avoid waste and risk of double dosing. The Maxi Outcast features hopper capacity for up to 380-litres of slug pellets, to minimise loading and risk of spillage in the field. Fitting kits are available for all leading sprayer manufacturers.