The National Farmers’ Union has called on government to grasp Brexit as an opportunity to enhance the nation’s ability to produce food and back British farming.
Sunday August 6 marks the notional day in the calendar where the British larder would run bare if farmers fed the nation only British food from January 1.
Figures show that Britain produces 60% of its own food and this rate is both falling and in long-term decline.
Food self-sufficiency statistics have always been an important measure of the nation’s ability to feed itself.
NFU President Meurig Raymond said: “Since the UK voted to leave the EU, and with trade negotiations now starting, the supply of British food is now seen in a very different light.”
Maximising UK food production
Mr Raymond said the government’s recognition of farming’s contribution will be vital in the coming weeks and months.
He continued: “Farmers deliver for our economy, providing jobs and driving growth in rural communities. We provide the raw materials for a domestic food industry that employs 3.8m people, generates £109bn in value for the UK economy and 13% of the country’s Gross Domestic Product.
“We’re not advocating a fully self-sufficient nation - we recognise the need for importing food which can only be produced in different climates. But what we should be doing is maximising on the food production we are good at, and looking at the potential for this.
“If we buy in foods that we are capable of producing ourselves then we risk exporting all the environmental, economic and social benefits that farming delivers here in Britain.”
Buy British
Since the UK voted to leave the EU, 25% of people think it’s now more important to buy British food. 86% of shoppers say they want to buy more British food.
Mr Raymond concluded: “We are calling on the Government to deliver policies that will ensure that Britain retains its ability to be more self-sufficient, support home-grown food and ensure that we have profitable, productive and progressive farm businesses for the future.”