A new video competition has launched calling on farmers and land managers to show how they are combatting climate change and why they are doing it.
The Country Land and Business Association's (CLA) competition seeks to highlight those undertaking climate-friendly works on their land and property.
It comes ahead of COP26 - the 26th UN Climate Change conference - which is scheduled to be held in Glasgow from 31 October to 12 November 2021.
Many farmers are working to mitigate climate change, such as through tree planting, peatland restoration, soil management, or low-carbon diversification projects.
However, the CLA said that farmers were often unfairly accused of being part of the problem, and not fully recognised as part of the solution to climate change.
Jonathan Roberts, the CLA’s director of external affairs said: “COP26 is just around the corner and this competition will encourage people to tell their story.
"Whether you’re an old hand at social media or are picking up a video phone for the first time, whether you have been working on climate-friendly projects for years or are just starting your journey, we encourage everyone to take part.
"We need to get better at showing the public what we are already doing."
The competition is open to all farmers, land managers and rural business owners and is open until 31 October.
Entrants should upload their videos to their own social media channels using the hashtag #CLACOP26.
A £250 cash prize, cases of wine and free tickets to the CLA’s forthcoming climate change conference are all up for grabs.