Farmers around the UK are being told to start forward planning how they can manage and build winter forage and bedding stocks following the cold, wet spring.
The Forage Aid charity has received reports of shorter stocks of straw in livestock areas.
However, the farmers' charity said forage yields seemed to be holding up considering the poor start to the spring.
Livestock farmers have found it challenging to build forage and bedding stocks over the last few years following droughts, wet weather and cold spells.
Forage Aid said they had found it 'increasingly difficult' to encourage donations of forage, with the charity finding itself having to purchase forage and straw.
Founder Andrew Ward MBE said the charity's trustees had been monitoring forage and bedding stocks in their own areas.
"Whilst the results are anecdotal, we do have growing evidence that forage stocks are looking better than expected, however stocks of straw are low and prices are rising.
"Our experience shows that these conditions normally lead to problems later in the year," Mr Ward said.
The charity has encouraged livestock farmers to start planning for winter 2021/22, and look at how they could conserve enough forage to see them through to next spring.
It also urged producers to start planning straw purchases for the winter ahead as it saw this a 'real pinch point'.
Longstanding trustee Ed Ford also put out a rallying call to his fellow arable farmers about baling straw for livestock farms.
He encouraged more collaboration between the two sectors: "With arable crop prices looking healthy it might be an easier decision not to bale straw," Mr Ford said.
"However we would be grateful if all arable farmers considered baling some straw and get it into the system to ensure that our livestock areas have good access to bedding materials across the winter."
Over the years Forage Aid has helped farmers following extreme weather events, with the most challenging periods having been those where drought has been the problem.
It said sourcing surplus forage and bedding for donation in a tough weather year was 'exceptionally difficult' as it made it 'much harder' to help farmers in need.