Farmers told to 'look up, it's live' to help stem electricity incidents

(Photo: Northern Powergrid)
(Photo: Northern Powergrid)

Farmers and farm workers are being reminded to 'look up, it's live' to help stem incidents involving overhead power lines this harvest.

As farm workers take to their fields to harvest their crops, an electricity distribution network operator is sharing the vital safety message.

Overhead power lines can cause serious or fatal electrocution if farm machinery comes too close or accidentally touches them.

Northern Powergrid's ‘Look Up It’s Live’ campaign targets the farming industry, providing tips to watch out for them.

Large sections of Northern Powergrid’s network crosses farmland with some overhead cables on wood poles carrying anything up to 132,000 volts.

Judging heights and distances, especially when tired or operating in reduced light at dusk or dawn, can be challenging for farm workers and electricity can jump gaps of between one and seven metres, depending on the voltage of the power line.

The electricity distributor will be engaging with farm workers at the upcoming Great Yorkshire Show in Harrogate, between 9-12 July.

There, safety engineers will be able to chat with the farming community on how to avoid the dangers of electricity and to stay away from its power network when farming their land.

Teams will be on hand to provide ‘Look Up It’s Live’ safety packs, which contains a free advice leaflet, safety sticker and air freshener, as well as giving out their new safety booklet.

Gareth Pearson, Northern Powergrid's director of safety, said the increase in farming activity can lead to an increase in accidents.

He said: “The launch of our summer safety campaign is targeted at farmers who are actively harvesting their crops and are out and about on countryside roads.

“We’d encourage members of the farming and agriculture industry to read our free safety information and drop into our stand at the show to speak with our safety experts and get a free safety pack and brochure."

The ‘Look Up It’s Live’ campaign will run throughout July, with farmers encouraged to register to receive a free safety pack.

Staying safe near power lines

Northern Powergrid has issued some safety tips for farmers:

• Inform anyone working near power lines of the dangers and the action they should take in an emergency.

• Remember you don’t need to make contact with a power line to be in danger. Electricity can jump to an object or person – so stay well clear!

• Ground levels may have changed since your last visit, reducing clearance. Risk assess every situation, on every occasion.

• Always carry a mobile phone and store 105, the number to call in an emergency.

What to do in an emergency

• Drive well clear if safe to do so and call 105.

• If unsafe to drive clear – stay in the cab, call 105, and warn others to stay clear.

• If unsafe to stay in cab – jump well clear. Do not step down or make contact with the vehicle and the ground at the same time.

• Leaping strides – land with both feet together and make leaping strides away, so that one foot is always off the ground.

• Warn others to stay clear. Damaged power lines can stay live or become live at any time without warning.