Farmers to light beacons for 80th anniversary of D-Day

Farms across the country will light beacons on Thursday evening (6 June 2024)
Farms across the country will light beacons on Thursday evening (6 June 2024)

Farmers are being encouraged to pay tribute to those that farmed the fields during WWII to mark the 80th anniversary of the D-Day landings.

As part of the event commemorating the Normandy landings, farms across the country will light beacons on the evening of Thursday (6 June).

The beacons are designed to represent farmers’ personal tributes to those that still had to farm the fields during the second world war.

The NFU is encouraging farmers to participate in the 80th anniversary, calling it is a 'poignant initiative' to honour both fallen soldiers and farmers.

The union's president Tom Bradshaw said: “Let’s stand together in remembrance as we prepare to mark the 80th anniversary of D-Day.

“D-Day symbolises not just a military victory but also the collective strength of a nation. If you can, join the many people across the country in lighting a beacon in gratitude for their service.

“If you can, join the many people across the country in lighting a beacon in gratitude for their service.”

Farmers who would like to register their involvement can contact Pageantmaster Bruno Peek via email at