Farm charity wants you to sit down to a proper farmhouse breakfast

What tickles your fancy when it comes to breakfast? Lincolnshire sausages in farmhouse bread? Free range boiled eggs? A simple bowl of wholegrain cereal?

Farming charity RABI wants people to stand up for British farmers by sitting down to a farmhouse breakfast.

Stephen Noble, Head of Fundraising & Development at R.A.B.I, explains: “The concept is simple; we’re asking to people to organise and host a breakfast event, enjoy a good feed and help us to raise funds. By organising an event – or making a donation to R.A.B.I – you will be saying a great big thank you to British farmers.

“This campaign is all about celebrating British produce – not just eggs, bacon and sausages, but also arable favourites like granola and fresh bread.”

The nation’s favourite breakfast remains a hearty ‘full English’, although we are much more likely to opt for wholegrain cereals, toast or porridge during the working week.

Many farming families rely on the breakfast industry to survive. Each year, around 1.9m hectares of wheat is grown in the UK – that’s almost the size of Wales – with around 124,000 hectares of oats also produced on British soil, more than the area of Berkshire! Every day, five million Brits will sit down to eat sausages.

The Farmhouse Breakfast campaign will run from now until the end of February 2016, with events peaking during Breakfast Week, January 24-31. Breakfast Week is organised by the Agriculture & Horticulture Development Board (AHDB) Cereals & Oilseeds.

The Royal Agricultural Benevolent Institution (RABI) is a welfare charity that gives around £2m per year in grants to farming people in financial difficulty. RABI helps working farmers, farmworkers and their families who rely on farming for their main source of income. Help can also be given to retired farmers, farmworkers and their dependants.