Definition of an active farmer must not weaken, EU organisation warns

Having a strong definition on active farmer will help generational renewal, CEJA said
Having a strong definition on active farmer will help generational renewal, CEJA said

The European Council of Young Farmers (CEJA) has called for institutions to not weaken the definition of an active farmer in process of simplifying the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP).

In response to ongoing efforts to simplify CAP, European agricultural organisation CEJA has called for special attention to be paid to ensuring simplification does not lead to the introduction of 'ineffective measures', such as weakening the definition of active farmer, in order to simplify administration.

The European Union is looking to modernise and simplify the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) post-2020.

European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker announced the CAP will be 'simplified' and 'modernised', and is seeking thoughts from the sector on ways to improve the system.

'Great change for Europe'

“We are in a time of great change for Europe,” explained CEJA President Alan Jagoe.

“We can be ambitious, we can strive for excellence, but we have to ensure that efforts to simplify don’t end up damaging the effectiveness of our cause.

“Having a strong definition on active farmer will help generational renewal, drive structural change and aid land mobility. A strong definition is vital to what we should all be aiming to achieve, as young farmers are the key in the future CAP."

The organisation has proposed the need for the definition of active farmer to be strengthened, improved and remain mandatory throughout the EU for years to come.

To improve the current definition, CEJA proposes the introduction of further criteria at EU level.