Potato growers are facing a weekend of very high blight pressure, at a time when new growth is expanding rapidly and the protective capability of blight sprays is being severely stretched. The dangers of a ‘perfect storm’ of conditions and crop growth demands growers adopt a robust Revus based spray programme, according to Syngenta Potato Technical Manager, Stephen Williams.
“The positive experience from last season was just how well growers coped under the intense pressure, with Revus performing exceptionally strongly,” he advised. “Robust programmes and maintaining spray intervals clearly works - and make sure you register for BlightCast to help schedule timing.”
The good news for growers is that BlightCast is indicating some good opportunities for spraying over the coming weekend and into next week; the easy to use formulation, low inclusion rate and excellent rainfastness of Revus will ensure they can make the best use of sprayer time to get protection in place.
If applications have been delayed by wet, windy weather, Mr Williams highlighted the addition of cymoxanil as a tank-mix could give valuable added kick-back activity, to minimise the risk of any infection developing and keep the crop protected.
Furthermore, many crops are at early tuber initiation when they are believed to be most susceptible to tuber blight infection. “Protecting green leaf now with a progressive blight control programme is the most effective way to minimise the risk of tuber infection for the rest of the season and through to harvest,” he added.